Thursday, 22 October 2015

Film log, Day 1

Film log, Day one

The first day of filming largely revolved around the filming of an establishing shot of Dubai, we were only there for a week they had to film their required footage during this short time period. We set about getting the establishing shot but were undecided on where we would want the footage to be shot, it was between a group of buildings by the beach or the Burj Khalifa which we will have to decide on which one is the better option. We started off by filming the cluster of buildings as they were located in close proximity to the hotel we were staying at and so was easily accessible to us through the public beach or through some sort of boat.

We focused on panning shots which largely used a horizontal style of panning as we deemed that this would be the best in terms of effect for our trailer. We tried to incorporate a wide range of speeds when filming the establishing shots as to allow us to have a large amount to possibly use or edit to suit the needs of the trailer we are trying to create. Most of the shots we got of the buildings were from the ocean as to give us a shot of the beach as well as the buildings to help highlight the exotic qualities of Dubai for our trailer. The panning shots varied substantially in height and speed to allow for many options when it comes down to selecting the shots we can incorporate into the trailer.

Lastly on this day we set about developing a scene in which we see one of the main characters engaging in conversation with an unknown person. This scene proved rather easy to do as we did it in the hotel room we were staying in and so we didn't have any interruptions from other people staying in the hotel. We ensured that we didn't include any labels of the hotel as to not specify the exact hotel, overall the scene we created was of decent quality but we were unsure of whether it was suited for an action trailer as it was rather long. The main feature of the scene involved the character where we set about gathering many different shots as to add to the effect of the scene. We got various shots including a match on action and over the shoulder shot to portray the plot of the scene, albeit effective the main feature of the scene was the nose down shot of the character as they engage in the conversation with the mystery person.

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