Friday, 12 February 2016

Editing Log- Day 1

Editing Log Day 1 - Folder Organisation

The first thing we have done is to have all shots we have taken on a dedicated storage device, which is a USB memory stick and a back up is stored on the editing computer to prevent the loss of everything we have filmed. We have many folders, all with different names to tell us what is within the specific folder, such as everything we filmed in a forest is stored in the Forest Folder. This goes the same with the multiple shots of a conversation we have in our trailer, to make a shot-reverse-shot. Another folder includes all the sound and music we plan to implement in our trailer. As we film at least 3 shots of every shot so we can have the perfect one, we make two more new folders within filming folders, one named "Use" and "Don't Use", and we look at all the shots we did and put the ones we want in our trailer in the "Use" folder and the rest in our "Don't Use" folder. With this folder structure, it allows us to easily organise ourselves when we edit, and makes us easily find the right shot we want according to our plan for the final edit.

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